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2023 Bill Armstrong Grant Registration Open Call


  • Indicate you are applying for the Armstrong Grant for education in the ceramic arts on behalf of a school or non-profit organization.

Registration is closed

registration for:

Bill Armstrong Grant for Education in the Ceramic Arts

Proposal Deadline:  August 31, 2023

Funds to be released Fall 2023

There is no cost to apply.

See stories of previous grant awards on our website

This registration is to signal intent to apply for the annual grant program for education in the ceramics arts.  Register here online and then send supporting documentation via email or mail.  

The Armstrong Grant was established in memory of our late distinguished member, Bill Armstrong. Bill was instrumental in teaching many people about pottery and was always interesting in experimenting, learning more, and helping others.

In this spirit, NMPCA gives an annual grant to assist with a ceramics education program or a ceramic art project.

The annual award is up to $1000, to be determined by the Board, based upon individual needs. Proposals for lesser amounts would also be welcome for consideration.

Use of funds: Funds may be used for purchasing supplies or equipment, contracting with a visiting artist, marketing/publicizing a special program or project or other activities directly related to ceramic art education.

Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations and educational institutions located in New Mexico are eligible to apply.


1.  Fill in this grant registration with name, address, phone, email and brief description of the project. 

2.  Provide additional support documentation via email or paper mail.  Support documentation should include:  

  • Applicant’s name, address, phone, email
  • A description of the project or program, including dates, location, budget, etc.
  • A description of who will benefit from this project/program and what are the anticipated outcomes.
  • A description of the organization applying for the grant
  • Specify exactly how the funds will be used and, if the cost is more than requested, identify the other funding sources
  • Provide a simple income/expense statement for the project/program
  • Copy of IRS designation letter (if applicant is 501(c)3 organization)

After the grant is awarded, the recipient organization is expected to

  • Provide documentation to show funds were used as described in the proposal
  • Provide pictures for website and publicity purposes
  • Give funding credit to NMPCA in newsletter, press release, website or other forms of communication.

Deadline: Applications for the 2023 Armstrong Grant will be accepted through August 31, 2023 for an award in the Fall of 2023.

Proposals should be mailed to:

NMPCA Armstrong Grant
c/o Michael Thornton
PO Box 26811
Albuquerque, NM 87125

To send proposal by email:

attn: Michael Thornton

We call ourselves the NMPCA!