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Clay Connections

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Logo Clay Connections Clay Connections is an online zoom meeting

Clay Connections is going through a transition. In the last few months there hasn’t been a scheduled topic or meeting on zoom. The desire for change is deciding what would best meet the needs of a majority of our members and be of benefit to them? A contributing factor for the reformatting is low attendance at the past meetings and not reaching or not appealing to a broad group of members. The board has had some discussion on this and the desire is to strive to have an outlet that can meet greater needs and connect and engage more members and be of more interest overall. The largest attendance in the past year was for Kathryne Cyman’s discussion that took place at her office at UNM and spoke on the functional form and included a spontaneous demo by one of her students who she teaches her Arita porcelain classes. This tells us that people are interested in speakers or more of an experiential or learning type of meeting. This is the direction we would like to see this move to, such as possible demos or videos of in person studio visits to reach a larger audience and capture more that interests our members. As this transitions if you would like to contribute to help guide this in a way that would be more beneficial to more members, please reach out on what you would like to see or changes that can be made.

Hosted by Sheila Miller

Let me know your thoughts 

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Since 1974

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