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Celebration of Clay 2022

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Juror Awards

Entry into the Celebration of Clay is self-selected...that is the artists presents their best work and works are accepted in the order in which they are entered up to the limit the show can hold.  Each year, a panel of jurors select works that exemplify, in their judgement, the best of this year's entries.  Cash awards are made for Best of show and 3 Awards of Merit.  The UNM Arita Porcelain Group sponsor's an award for "Beauty, Quality and functionality."  This year's jurors are Taos artist, Abby Salsbury; Abiquiu ceramic artist, Hebe Garcia; and Taos Ceramics Center Director, Jules Epstein

Juror awards will be announced at the Opening of the Celebration of Clay 2022 on Saturday, June 18.  Awards will be posted to this page on Sunday, June 19.  

Best of Show



and Functionality

(sponsored by the UNM Arita

Porcelain Group)

Award of Merit

Award of Merit

Award of Merit

Click the image above to see details.  Scroll through the images in the slider or select a thumbnail below.

To purchase work from the Celebration of Clay, Contact the Taos Ceramics Center
(575) 758-2580